Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Lions Aid Playground Construction

Here are photos of Don and me on Wednesday morning August 20 — we arrived at 8 am and I stayed until 2, Don until 3.  We (and others) moved a mountain of mulch about twice as high as in the picture and three times as long, mostly by shoveling it onto tarps and hauling the tarps into the adjacent play area, which ended up with about 2 feet of mulch!  The playground will serve a nursery school that started its history in Alexandria as one of the first African American nursery schools and that will share the playground with the neighboring community.  Disney payed for it, in memory of an employee in their security office, who came from Herndon.  Many of the workers were former colleagues of his, either at Disney (they flew in from California for the event) or in the federal security services.   The event was very well organized by Kaboom, an outfit that provides opportunities for children to play outdoors.