Thursday, March 29, 2012

Area Lions Aid the Blind Thru Mulch Sale

The Reston Lions Club successfully completes the delivery of 2,520 bags of mulch to over 85 supporters across the local area on March 24th to raise money for their vision and hearing charity initiatives.  Thanks go out to our loyal customers for supporting us this year through this massive fundraising effort.  100% of their profits will go to their charity work in the community.
Delivery Crew for Mulch Sale takes a load off - (Pictured L-R Delivery crew Andy Goodman, Steve Reber, Bob Meissner, Lydia Brown, Mike Moseley, and Don Leas (Not Pictured: Jonathan Ingman))
This year's event highlighted the motto "We Serve." Two flatbed trucks with their delivery crews made their way across the 15 mile radius of the Reston area delivering small and large Mulch orders far and wide, making stops across the region.  As the Mulch Fundraiser Chairman, Susan Beffel stated on the day of deliveries, "Despite the rain today, we've been fortunate to have this warm weather this season to get people out thinking about their gardens and yards.  Many of our orders have been from newer customers so my general sense is that we've been able to capture new sales we wouldn't have otherwise."
The Reston Lions is a local branch of Lions Clubs International, a worldwide service organization that has been knights in the fight against blindness since 1925.  More on Lions Club at  Established in 1967, the Reston Lions Club has a long history of service in our community.  The Reston Lions have been doing a Mulch Fundraiser for about 15 years as their primary fundraiser.  Those in the club who are still members today, look back fondly on this fundraiser, started with the help of Tom Cochrane, owner of a local Landscaping company and energetic Lion.  from Lion Joe Rohrbaugh, "Tom and his crew were as energetic and enthusiastic as they come.  He'd come in with a crew of 10-15 employees, trucks to haul the mulch, forklifts to unload them at their delivery spots and without asking for any thanks or payment.  He was one of those genuine, dedicated, selfless people."  Tom, tragically, lost a battle to cancer and passed away in March of 2011.  The Reston Lions has had some pretty large shoes to fill.  Thanks to efforts of all our club members and in honor of all Reston Lions that have gone before them, this year was another large Success.
Special Thanks also goes to Quail Ridge Products for supplying the quality mulch, to the Herndon Leo Club, Herndon/Lago Ana Branch Club, Fundraiser coordinators Susan Beffel and Stephen Reber, Local businesses and organizations for getting the word out, and to all the 17 volunteers who helped deliver the mulch on-time to make this 2012 Mulch Fundraiser a success. 
Club President Steve Reber checks safety straps before the trucks head out for deliveries.(Photo Credit: Susan Beffel)

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